The CNA Pentos-Cement is the fifth generation of the world’s most advanced on-line elemental analyzer. Like its predecessors, it is based on the Sodern neutron technology, pulsed fast and thermal neutron activation (PFTNA). The Pentos is the latest release of the CNA and reflects the continuous product improvement efforts of both Sodern and Malvern Panalytical:
- CNA Manager – a new user interface
- Belt load flexibility
- Calibration flexibility
- Improved reliability
- Improved detector design
- Improved neutron flux regulation
- Enhanced maintenance tools
The CNA Pentos provides high-frequency analysis of the bulk of the raw material. The net result is stable and on-target kiln feed which promotes efficiency and stability throughout the rest of the process. The high-frequency control is accomplished without the need for costly sampling equipment and laboratory staffing.