Live demo: Spectra Ultra STEM X-FEG/UltiMono

Details Many materials relevant for current and future applications are prone to beam damage. To generate meaningful data you need a system able to provide cutting edge results while maintaining sample integrity. The Spectra Ultra has been developed to tackle these challenges. The acceleration voltage can be switched rapidly to optimize imaging/spectroscopy conditions (high resolution […]

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Rely on FORJ when speed matters

The old saying, ‘more haste, less speed’, is often true when you’re working quickly. The more you hurry, the more chance there is to make a mistake that slows you down! Often it’s something harmless, like sending an email without an attachment – but in the laboratory or production plant, a mistake could mean expensive […]

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Introducing Aeris: The Compact XRD Analyzer for Structural Analysis

X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a powerful analytical tool used both in industry and academia to study the structural properties of materials. Traditionally, XRD instruments were bulky and expensive, requiring a dedicated laboratory space and skilled personnel to operate. However, recent advancements in technology have led to the development of compact XRD instruments, like Aeris, that […]

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