High resolution TEM and STEM microscope for all materials science and semiconductor applications.
For scientists to advance their understanding of complex samples and develop innovative materials, they must have access to robust, precise instrumentation capable of correlating form and function, as well as resolving space, time and frequency.
Thermo Fisher Scientific introduces the Thermo Scientific Spectra 300 (S)TEM – the highest resolution, aberration corrected, scanning transmission electron microscope for all materials science applications.
Built on an ultra-stable foundation
All Spectra 300 (S)TEM’s are delivered on new platforms designed to offer an unprecedented level of mechanical stability and highest imaging quality though passive and (optional) active vibration isolation.
The system is housed in a fully redesigned enclosure with a built-in on-screen display for convenient specimen loading and removal. For the first time, full modularity and upgradeability can be offered between uncorrected and single-corrected configurations with variable heights, allowing maximum flexibility for different room configurations.