Atomic resolution TEM for materials structure analysis with an environmental mode for in situ TEM studies.
In situ observation of structure dynamics at nanostructure-characteristic length scales is extremely important if your focus is atomic-scale research. The Thermo Scientific Themis ETEM builds on the proven Titan Environmental Transmission Electron Microscope (ETEM) concept by combining both standard S/TEM (TEM and scanning transmission electron microscopy) and dedicated environmental TEM capabilities for time-resolved, in situ studies of the dynamic behavior of nanomaterials. The Themis ETEM is designed as a fully integrated platform for in situ experiments, such as exposing nanostructures to gaseous reaction/operating environments.
Advance your research with our new Themis ETEM
The new Themis ETEM now also benefits from Thermo Scientific Themis Z S/TEM features:
- Precise control and knowledge of sample temperature in any gas environment through the NanoEx-i/v heating stage.
- Improved sample stability, navigation, and assisted sample drift correction in x, y, and z axes using a piezo enhanced stage.
- Advanced high-quality imaging and movie acquisition functions, as well as sample navigation, by combining speed, high-sensitivity, and high-dynamic range with a large field of view in one single Thermo Scientific Ceta 16M Camera.
- Handling and processing of large data sets with a 64-bit operating system.